Your sacred journey home to the wisdom, peace and fulfillment that lies within

You are perfect as you are

There is nothing to improve, change or control. But for a lot of us, it’s hard to believe and trust that. And to open up to our core, our light.

I know. I have been there. I have spent a great part of my journey feeling stuck. I understand how tough it is, how you can be caught up in your mind, in your fear, in your attempts to get a grip on life.

I see you. I see your beautiful essence radiating like a sun. And I can see how your essence is blocked by the defensive patterns you needed earlier in life.

I see your essence and what is blocking it

My name is Femke Klomp, and I am here to support you in liberating your essence, so that you can embody more of your authentic self.

You are not alone on your journey. I am here right beside you.
All my love,


Femke is such a beautiful soul full of compassion, wisdom, and kindness. She has an extremely intuitive capacity with a clear vision and understanding. She has a very special gift for finding the root cause and healing and realigning the human energy field and releasing blocks from this lifetime, past lifetimes, and the lineage. She uses a variety of tools to help clients heal different aspects of their being. Every session is amazing and a blissful experience. I am so thankful for knowing her and I would recommend her healing sessions to anyone who is looking for energy healing. I had very strong lower back pain on my female side and after the sessions, I kept feeling better and better. I suffered from insomnia and now I sleep for 8 hours almost every night. I feel stronger and more vital and I am taking steps towards my spiritual business.

Ximena Vasquez

It’s time to release old ways of being that have kept you in fight – flight – freeze mode. To choose a new way of being, where trauma is not the driving force. 

Rebecca Campbell

How can I support you?

Unleash Your Essence

A deeply transformative 1-on-1 healing journey


Womb Ceremony

Womb healing and energetic rebirth in a sacred 1-on-1 ceremony


Retreats & Ceremonies

Self-connection & conscious alignment to your divine path


Femke is a natural. She has lived her life to make all sorts of experiences and has now arrived in her position as a healer and psychic reader. She is highly intuitive and has the ability to perceive and check into all levels of the human energy field and detect disturbances that bring people out of balance. Not only does she detect them, she is also able to clear them. Clearing energetic clouds and mucus, as well as pulling off energetic relicts from past lifes like imprints of weapons, or other harmful objects from the astral body. After she has done her clearings, she changes completely in her approach and just floods the whole existence with the full spectrum of what the universe has of nurturing energies. She is aware and can handle the different subtle frequencies that are needed to bring people completely back in balance with the love of a caring mother. She is intentionally super clean and loves to support humanity on its way to mass awakening by releasing ‘the old’ and make space for the new energetically. The new type of human being that cares for family, friends, their environment and the existence itself.

Dennis Maennersdoerfer

I see you. I hear you. I feel you. And I am with you.

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